Best Way to Sell Your Old Jewellery for Instant Cash

When you decide to sell your old jewellery for cash, you must remember there are multiple options you can consider. Do not sell them to the first person who offers to buy them.

What is the best way to Sell Old Gold Jewellery?

Think carefully and arrive at a decision after thoughtful consideration. Even if you are running short of cash and plan to sell used jewellery for instant money, you must make sure that nobody takes you for a ride and you get the kind of money you deserve for your jewellery. Remember, the price of jewellery goes up with time and old jewellery has a lot of value.

Here is what you should do when you wish to sell your old or used jewellery for instant more money:

Jewellery Stores

Every town or city has multiple jewellery stores which deal in both selling and buying jewellery pieces. If you wish to sell jewellery for cash or are thinking ‘where should I sell jewellery near me?’, you should visit some of the jewellery stores in your town, get your valuables evaluated and find out the amount of money the different stores are willing to pay for them. Apart from finding out who is willing to pay the highest price, you must also figure out the amount of time it will take for the payment to come through.

Online Stores

In recent times, online stores have emerged as a very good platform for selling old or used jewellery. Most of these platforms offer more transparency than physical retail stores and you will, most likely, end up striking a good deal with them. When it comes to selling your old jewellery for cash, BuyMyDiamond proves to be one of the best online stores. You can get all the details you need about them from their official website.


If somebody you know is planning to get married or invest in jewellery, you could reach out to them and ask whether they would be interested in buying your jewellery. Different people invest in jewellery for different reasons. Regardless of where you live, you will find some people who will be interested in buying jewellery at a good price. If you look around for a while, you will find the right buyer for your jewellery.

Pawn Shop

If instant cash is what you are looking for, selling your old jewellery at a pawn store might be the best option for you. Pawn shops have a reputation of making instant payments for the goods they buy from different individuals. However, you must also remember that pawn shops usually buy things at a price that tends to be much lesser than their original value. While you will get instant money by selling your jewellery, you will have to make peace with getting them sold at a throwaway price.

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